Resurrection Rolls

Finding simple, yet meaningful traditions that make an impact on a child's long term memory can be a challenge, but these Resurrection Rolls fit both prerequisites. Through this memorable hands on cooking experiment, your family will enjoy the profound truth that Jesus rose from the grave! Your children will learn how Jesus was put into the tomb, but then resurrected back to life - leaving the tomb empty!

As a family, please take just a few minutes and enjoy this yummy treat. Your kids will love it and the discussion points will be long lasting.

What you need:
large marshmallows
melted butter
cinnamon sugar mixture
crescent rolls (ready to bake)

What you do:
After the children have washed their hands, give each of them a marshmallow. Tell them it represents Jesus. Have them roll it in the butter (the anointing oil). Then roll it in the cinnamon sugar (the anointing spices). Place the marshmallow on the crescent roll (the tomb) and roll it up so it is completely sealed (this is important). Then bake it as the directions indicate (about 10 minutes @ 350). When the rolls cool, give each child his roll. When the tomb is open, the marshmallow is gone (it melts in the roll). The roll tastes like a cinnamon roll!

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